How to Configure email to outlook
- Enter c-panel with your email and password
- On the c-panel menu you will see an icon CLICK ON E-mail accounts
- You will see listed the email accounts you have attached to your domain.
- Next to the email account you would like to configure CLICK THE MORE TAB
- Now CLICK Configure E-mail ClientYou can either download preconfigured settings. Or below this you will see the manual settings for setting up your outlook.
- Open Outlook
- CLICK ON File (you will find this on the top left hand side)
- CLICK Add an account
- NOW TYPE the name you wish recipients to see i.e. (Joe Blogs)
- Now TYPE the e-mail address that corresponds with the account
- NOW TYPE the password you use for the email account
- NOW RETYPE the password
- NOW CLICK manually configure server settings or additional server types.
- NOW CLICK Internet E-mail
- Your name and e-mail should already be filled out in the relevant fields
- Set the account type to IMAP or POP3
- In incoming mail server TYPE Mail. (followed by your domain)
- i.e.(
- In Outgoing mail server (SMTP) TYPE Mail. (followed by your domain)
- i.e. (
- NOW TYPE your email address in the user name field
- NOW TYPE the password for your email account
- NOW CLICK More settings
- Your name will automatically filled out
- NOW CLICK outgoing server
- NOW CLICK my outgoing server (http) requires authentication
- NOW CLICK Advanced tab
- NOW CLICK This server requires an encrypted connection
- NOW TYPE in outgoing server either 25 or 587
- NOW CLICK Test settings
If all the ticks are Green then you have successfully configured your account.