Authentication for sending emails


It is mandatory on our servers that your email client logs in prior to sending any emails. This is to prevent unauthorised senders from using our services.

In order to do this, open up your favourite email client and go to the Account Settings.

Outlook 2010:

  • Tools -> Account Settings
  • Select the relevant email account from the list, then click on the "Change ..." button just above
  • You will now have the basic settings for your email account and how it connects to our server. At the bottom right, click on "More settings ..."
  • Now click on the "Outgoing Server" tab along the top
  • Ensure the "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" is enabled
  • Also ensure that "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" is selected


Mail (Mac OS X):

  • Mail -> Preferences ...
  • Click on Accounts and select the relevant email account in the list down the left hand side
  • Under the "Account Information" tab, click on the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) drop-down list and select "Edit the SMTP server list"
  • Select your server e.g. and half way down the window, click on Advanced
  • Leave "Use default ports (25, 465, 587) selected and set Authentication to "Password"
  • Then enter your FULL email address and email password in the boxes provided
  • Click OK and close the Accounts window


The principle should be similar in any other email client and you should be able to find instructions online from the author of the software you are using.

If you have any other problems, please open a support ticket from within the portal.

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